
Microscopy at the frontiers of science 2017

05 Setembro 2017, 22:00 - 08 Setembro 2017, 22:00

Espanha / Presencial

This meeting will cover all aspects of Microscopy applied to Life and Materials Sciences, as well as to other relevant fields in which Microscopy plays a pivotal role, that will be developed through a series of top quality plenary and invited lectures, as well as through high quality oral and poster contributions. In our view, this Joint meeting offers the opportunity to discuss and exchange the most recent experiences, as well as to strengthen scientific and technical collaborations. From these points of view, this meeting provides an excellent forum to disseminate scientific and technical output and findings.


Izasa Scientific is present at the "MICROSCOPY AT THE FRONTIERS OF SCIENCE 2017" with a stand. If you are going to attend the Congress, we will be happy to welcome you to our booth for a private demonstration. So you only have to make the registration and request your appointment.

Mais informações

PALEX MEDICAL, S.A.U., como responsable del tratamiento, tratará sus datos con la finalidad de dar respuesta a su consulta o petición. La base legítima es su consentimiento, el cual puede revocar en cualquier momento comunicándolo a No se cederán datos a terceros salvo obligación legal. Puede acceder, rectificar y suprimir sus datos, así como ejercer otros derechos, consultando la información adicional y detallada sobre protección de datos en Política de Privacidad